Red shoes by lilivanili on Flickr

Working Group on Gender-Based Violence and Restorative Justice

Gender-based violence is a phenomenon deeply rooted in gender inequality, and continues to be one of the most notable human rights violations within all societies. Physical, sexual, psychological or economic harm, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life are some examples.

Gender-based violence often occurs within a relational context and it strengthens discourses and dynamics that criminal justice system fails to take into consideration as well as the overall experience of the parties involved. Also, only a few cases of gender-based violence are reported to the authorities and even less reach the criminal justice system as a large number of victims prefer to keep private about the situation. This is why more awareness-raising initiatives and alternative justice engagement and support are needed.

EFRJ recognises and respects the concerns that many people have over restorative responses to gender-based violence. There are real risks of victimisation due to imbalances of power and control. Such violence is often deeply traumatic for the victim. This working group will be responsible for addressing these challenges and developing models of restorative justice, which are safe, anti- oppressive and effective.

Red shoe in a parking lot

In practice, this working group...

  • Produces a short document explaining the potential contribution of restorative justice in this domain;
  • Works together to develop a specific training of the EFRJ;
  • Supports and encourages research on the potential application of restorative justice related to gender-based violence;
  • Commits to regular virtual meetings and exchange of emails
  • Can be consulted on this topic by EFRJ staff and members.
  • Initiate project proposals on the topic

Members (2022-2024)

  • Barocas Briana (US), Research Professor and Senior Director of Research and Scholarship, New York University
  • Cochrane Gael (UK), Learning, Development and Innovation Lead, Community Justice Scotland
  • Garayoa Alzorriz Maria Belen (Spain), Head of the Restorative Justice Section of the Government of Navarre
  • Halonen Anna (Finland), Mediation adviser / deputy manager, Pirkanmaa Mediation Center
  • Johanson Annegrete (Estonia), Head of RJ service, Social Insurance Board
  • Madsen Karin Sten (Denmark), Independent facilitator
  • Martin  David (USA), Senior Deputy Prosecutor, Unit Chair, Domestic Violence Unit, King County Prosecutor
  • Micoulet Noémie (France), French Institute for Restorative Justice (IFJR)
  • Parker Kristen (US - Germany), Adjunct Professor, Simmons University
  • Poletine Julia (GB), Chevening Scholarship Holder, Chevening Awards
  • Stouraiti Alexia (Greece), Mediator LLB, Psychodramatist, PhD candidate, Centre for the Study of Social & Humanitarian Crises
  • Zinsstag Estelle  (UK), Lecturer in Criminology and Senior Researcher, Edinburgh Napier University and KU Leuven

Chair: Borchgrevink Catharina (Norway), Senior advisor, The Norwegian Mediation Service 
Vice-chair: Bonini Valentina (Italy), Associated professor, University of Pisa - Department of Law
Coordinator: Laura Hein, EFRJ Policy Officer
Board representative: Petra Masopust Šachová (Czech Republic) and  Tim Chapman (UK)

Working Group Ressources

Position paper on restorative justice and gender based violence

In May 2021, the EFRJ Working Group on Gender Based Violence participated in the European Commission open consultation on “Combating gender-based violence – protecting victims and punishing offenders”. The Working Group submitted a position paper mainly concerning restorative justice and the Istanbul Convention.

COVER – EFRJ From Survivors To Survivors

From survivors to survivors

Conversations on restorative justice in cases of sexual violence

This collection of conversations is one of the outputs of the Working Group on Gender-Based Violence (2020-2022) of the European Forum for Restorative Justice. Some of its members proposed to collect testimonies of restorative justice in cases of sexual violence to give a voice to survivors who wished to share their experience of a restorative process in such cases with other survivors (as well as with professionals in the field). 

You can download the publication freely with the button below. 

More on this topic

Photo credits: "Red Shoes / Sapatinhos vermelhos" by lilivanili , "Red Shoe Parking Lot" by Kamal Hamid and "Zapatos Rojos contra violencias machistas Zgz Foto Pablo Ibáñez" by Arainfo on

Red shoes installation

Why the red shoes?

In 2009, Mexican visual artist Elina Chauvet staged her first art installation of red shoes in which she denounced violence against women, femicide, domestic and sexualized violence. This installation inspired activists and survivors around the world in collective actions, wearing and sharing photographs of their red shoes. Chauvet took action after the death of her sister, murdered by her husband. The red color represents blood and love, according to the artist. Virtual red shoes exhibitions can be retrieved on social media with #ZapatosRojos #RedShoes.

Contact person for this working group: Laura Hein (