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Petra Masopust Šachová

Board Candidate 2024 // Czechia

Photo of Petra Masopust Šachová


Petra is a legal expert, academic and restorative justice advocate who strives for its broad involvement in the Czech criminal law, both at the theoretical and policy level as well as in practice. In the same time she is committed on promotion of Restorative Justice on the European level with her involvement in work of the European Forum for Restorative Justice, where she focuses on policy issues, agenda of gender-based violence and governance of the organisation. Petra serves a EFRJ Board member since 2020 and the Secretary of the Board since 2022. She is also leading the Czech Institute for Restorative Justice (NGO) and is involved in several governmental and non-governmental platforms on criminal justice, policy and restorative justice agenda. She is co-author of the Strategy on Restorative Justice for the Czech Republic that is incorporated in the program declaration of the current Czech government. Her main skills, apart of the legal background, is to bring main stakeholders of the criminal justice field into dialogue (i.e. Restorative Platform, involving representatives of the highest institutions of the Czech Criminal Justice field) focusing on the application and transformation of the criminal justice system into restorative one. She is also involved in advocacy and legislation agenda on restorative justice. Petra, as academic, is lecturing criminal law and restorative justice to law students as well as legal professionals (Law Faculty, Palacky University/ Justice Academy etc.). She regularly publishes and lectures on mentioned topics in the Czech Republic as well as abroad.

Where would you like to see the EFRJ in 4 years?

I see EFRJ as a respected European organisation, with strong membership, that has considerable influence on the European criminal policy and legislation, while promoting restorative justice as a broad concept with the power to change the mindset and old-fashioned principals of current criminal law, policy and practice. EFRJ, from my perspective, shall be the body that on the European level is significantly participating in shifting European institutions, as well as national bodies, to rethink the concept of law in direction that is based on restorative justice principles. In the same time, I value greatly the focus and further work of EFRJ in promoting high quality standards of restorative programs which is crucial for the development of restorative practices on national level. Moreover, EFRJ represent with its various activities a place, that is connecting people to share expertise, knowledge and in many cases friendship, which is to its members huge support in their everyday work and life, indifferent of the place where they come from.

What would be your contribution in the Board to achieve this?

As a Board Member I would like to continue with agendas focused mainly on policy issues. Inwards to Forum itself I intend to work further of issues connected to developing solid structure of EFRJ and establishing corresponding processes. This area, based on my own experience when leading a national organisation promoting restorative justice, is of my great interest. To be strong towards the world, the organisation needs to be equally strong inside. In my previous term as a Board Member I committed myself strongly to those issues and would be dedicated to them, if re-elected. Further, I would be participating on issues connected to fundraising and its new ways and possibilities for the future.


Ian Marder, Ireland

I am delighted to write this letter to propose Dr. Petra Masopust Šachová for her second term as Board Member of the European Forum for Restorative Justice. Petra is someone I have known, worked with and respected for a long time. For many years, she has played a critical role in the development of restorative justice in the Czech Republic through her teaching, research, policy and practice development and other advocacy activities. In recent years, she founded and has led the Czech Institute for Restorative Justice, which is playing a significant role in bringing people together from across the criminal justice and community sectors in the Czech Republic to reimagine the justice system along restorative lines. This speaks to her ability to see the big picture, to bring people together and create a shared vision with diverse audiences. She has also played an important role at the European and international levels, participating in several important European projects, such as Restorative Justice: Strategies for Change. Of perhaps the most importance for her candidature, she has long been a highly active member of the European Forum for Restorative Justice and has already served a fruitful term on the organisation’s Board, working very well with its staff and other Board members. The EFRJ is in safe hands with people like Petra, and as a highly active member of the EFRJ myself, I would personally and professionally be delighted to see someone so passionate, intelligent and qualified remain on its Board.


Brunilda Pali, Belgium

I am extremely happy to endorse Dr. Petra Masopust Šachová for her second term as a Board Member of the European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ). My admiration for Petra predates in fact her Board membership, and it has only deepened over time. Due to her leadership, foundational role, and pioneering contributions to restorative justice in the Czech Republic, Petra has brought invaluable expertise and a distinctive personality to the EFRJ board. Her proficiency in restorative justice policy, practice, and research epitomises in fact the mission of the EFRJ. In the EFRJ Board Petra has done substantial and important work as an Executive Committee member. More specifically due to her analytical and legal skills but also her vision, she has contributed to the development of strategy, fundraising and the establishment of fair and professional internal procedures. Petra brings to our meetings both a culture and attitude of fairness and professionalism but also light spiritedness, joy and creativity. Given her dedication and expertise, as Vice-Chair of the EFRJ, I wholeheartedly support Petra's continued presence on the Board. Petra has much much much more to offer, and this is not the time to let her go.