Encounter of the Encounters rectangle

Brunilda Pali's Laudation Speech for The Encounter of the Encounters

By Brunilda Pali, Vice Chair of the EFRJ on 29 May 2024, in Tallinn

Dear colleagues, dear friends,

It is my honour and privilege to announce the Restorative Justice Award during this conference. 

This award, that has become since 2010 a tradition of the European Forum, recognises and celebrates outstanding contributions to the development of restorative justice within Europe. These contributions can be in theoretical, practical, empirical or political fields. Awards can be given to individuals, groups or organisations. Laureates are nominated by the Board of the EFRJ upon proposals submitted by the EFRJ membership.  The award is unremunerated, but its value lies in the encouragement it brings to those who receive it and in the recognition of the importance of their work within our community.

Today, we gather to recognise and honour an extraordinary initiative, and those who have contributed to it. 

Ladies and gentlemen, the award goes to: The Encounter of the Encounters. 

The seed of the journey of The Encounter of the Encounters was planted during the Criminal Justice Platform Summer Course in July 2018. The EFRJ had invited trainers Claudia Mazzucato, Guido Bertagna and Gemma Varona to deliver a course on the potentials of restorative justice practices in cases of political violence and acts of violent extremism, based on the experiences they had facilitated and studied respectively in Italy and in the Basque Country. 

During that course, the possibility of organising a cross-borders restorative dialogue came up. Claudia, Gemma, and Guido stayed in touch and eventually enlarged the group, by adding Tim Chapman, who had facilitated restorative dialogues in Northern Ireland, and Robi Damelin, from the Parents Circle – Family Forum. They met for the first time in September 2019 in San Sebastian and since then, the initiative has evolved into a transformative movement and journey, thanks to the dedication and vision of individuals like Claudia Mazzucato, Gemma Varona, Guido Bertagna, and many others. 

Through their tireless efforts, supported by the European Forum for Restorative Justice, The Encounter of the Encounters has grown into an international initiative, with participants from Italy, the Basque Country, Israel and Palestine, Belgium, Northern Ireland, Ukraine, and beyond. It transcends borders and generations, fostering dialogue and understanding across cultures and ideologies. To cite Guido Bertagna:

“The Encounter of the Encounters is not the sum of the [regional] encounters, all with their own story. It is a superlative, it is the incontrissimo, the super-meeting. We are here because we are convinced that this encounter has changed us.”

What makes this award truly unique is that it is being bestowed upon actual witnesses of restorative justice encounters—victims, survivors, former combatants, and their family members. These individuals have lived through the harrowing experiences of violent extremism, political violence, acts of terrorism, and war. Their stories are not only powerful testaments to the human spirit, but also invaluable lessons in the transformative power of restorative justice. 

This award is not only a tribute to those who are part of this group, but also a solemn remembrance of those who have been lost along the way due to acts of violence. Their memory serves as a powerful reminder of the urgent need for peace and justice in our world today. The diversity of The Encounter of the Encounters group is truly remarkable, encompassing individuals from different generations, backgrounds, and walks of life. This diversity enriches the dialogue and ensures that experiences and lessons learned are passed down to future generations.

But what do they have in common? To quote Claudia Mazzucato: 

In common, these people have the courage to have accomplished - and to accomplish again, every time - the exodus required of those who overcome the certainties cultivated in hostility and, by disarming themselves, interrupt the vicious circle of violence, hatred and revenge, also putting a brake on the legitimation of justice as restitution for the blow and retribution for evil.”

Moving past the worst thing that ever happened to them but also moving towards other human beings, “difficult others”, who are more than the worst thing they have done. Through innovative restorative practices, such as the use of arts, walks, and residential meetings, as well as traditional methods like mediations and circles, this initiative has allowed participants to engage in meaningful dialogue and healing in ways that resonate with their individual experiences and needs. 

In these dark times, characterised by violence, conflicts and wars, The Encounter of the Encounters offers hope for a better future. This initiative is a testament to the power of dialogue and solidarity in the pursuit of peace and justice. It demonstrates that even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges, we have the capacity to come together and listen to one another. May their journey inspire us all to strive for a world where justice and peace triumph over hatred and division.

Brunilda Pali holding her speech surrounded by members of The Encounter of the Encounters group

7th Award Ceremony in Tallinn, Brunilda Pali holding her speech