New Board Members Elected on the 2024 Annual General Meeting

update on the organisation
re-elected Board members 2024

The 2024 Annual General Meeting (28th May 2024) of the European Forum for Restorative Justice completed the 2024 Board election (concluded online), and the new Board members were announced. Maia Chochua, Lucy Jaffé, and Petra Masopust Šachová were re-elected as Board members, and Annegrete Johanson was elected as a new Board member. Congratulations!

We thank the commitment of the candidates who were not elected: Ida Helene Asmussen and İdil Elveriş. 

We express our gratitude for the years of work and commitment of Board member Katerina Soulou whose mandate (2018-2024) ended now.

The Annual General Meeting has approved the Annual Report of 2023, you can access the document here. 

AGM  & Board election 2024 Tallinn - voter participation

136 full organisational and individual members, 58,4% of the elligible voters (full EFRJ members) have took part in the election process. 

EFRJ Board 2024 in Tallinn

The EFRJ Board in its new composition.