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Ida Helene Asmussen

Board Candidate 2024 // Denmark

Ida Asmussen


Associate Professor in Mediation and Restorative Justice at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of Law, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen (holding a BA in Literature & Psychology, as well as an MA and Ph.D. in Law). 

I grew up in a bustling and chaotic household with hardworking parents, eight siblings, and all the kids in the neighbourhood, who cherished having a space where nobody was watching. As a middle child in this "jungle" I found myself thrust into the role of a “mediator”. Later, as a deputy judge in court, I gained valuable insights into the strengths and limitations of conventional conflict resolution methods. Since I became a Ph.D. Student within the field of restorative justice in 2010, I have conducted qualitative research, delving into the aftermath of criminal incidents from the perspectives of victims, offenders and facilitators. My research methodology involves a dynamic interplay between empirical data-driven analysis and interdisciplinary theoretical frameworks. I am committed to maintaining an open-minded approach when analysing empirical data, as it provides an opportunity to challenge conventional wisdom. I actively participate in collaborative research projects and contribute to several externally funded initiatives across disciplines. Moreover, I serve as a part-time mediator with the Danish Police Municipalities' Victim-Offender Mediation program, ensuring my continued connection to practical applications of restorative justice.

Where would you like to see the EFRJ in 4 years? & What would be your contribution in the Board to achieve this?

As a board member, my primary objective is to synergise restorative justice with the urgent sustainability agenda. I would like to work on three levels: 

  1. Enhanced Sustainability Vision: My goal is to integrate restorative justice into the broader sustainability agenda. I firmly believe that tackling climate change effectively transcends mere temperature targets; it demands a profound paradigm shift. This shift encompasses embracing sustainability holistically, from environmental initiatives to the very fabric of how we address conflicts and transgressions within our communities. 
  2. Environmental restorative justice: Restorative justice offers invaluable perspectives on issues related to environmental harm, including the concept of shared responsibility among diverse stakeholders, the imperative of learning from past errors to avert future damage, and the role of community engagement. The pioneer research outlined in Pali, Forsyth, & Tepper's work (ed., 2022) underscores the significance of these insights. It is imperative that we continue to build upon this foundation to deepen our understanding and advance practical applications in this crucial area. 
  3. Making EFRJ green: I will strive to promote environmentally conscious practices within the EFRJ. While physical gatherings remain valuable, I advocate for mindful consideration of environmental impact and encourage the exploration of alternatives that minimise our carbon footprint.


Annemieke Wolthuis, Netherlands

I recommend Ida Helene Asmussen, whom I met for the first time at the Bilbao Conference in 2010. I also worked with her at the University in Copenhagen in the summer of 2023 with a national group of restorative justice advocates. I can see that she embodies all the qualities essential for effective and collective leadership which will be of importance to the EFRJ. As a dedicated and innovative researcher in the realm of restorative justice, she brings a wealth of knowledge and fresh perspectives to the table. Moreover, her extensive experience and exceptional proficiency as a mediator in Victim-Offender Mediation (VOM) testify to her practical expertise in the field. Beyond her professional qualifications, Ida's warmth, humour, and openness create a harmonious and enjoyable working environment. I warmly endorse her candidacy as a valuable addition to the Board.


Karin Sten Madsen, Denmark

I wholeheartedly support the nomination of Ida Helene Asmussen, and I echo the proposer's sentiments. In addition to her remarkable qualities, Ida is ambitious and hardworking. She approaches her tasks with enthusiasm and determination, ensuring that she sees projects through to completion. Notably, her dedication extends beyond her immediate responsibilities, as she actively seeks to promote restorative justice within the broader context of sustainability. I am confident that Ida's proactive approach and commitment to her goals will greatly benefit the Board's endeavours. Should you have any further inquiries about her qualifications or wish to engage with her directly, please do not hesitate to reach out to her or to me prior to the Tallinn conference.