Sexual Violence project


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update on the organisation

On its 2022's Annual General Meeting the membership of the EFRJ has elected 3 new Board members: Claudia Christen-Schneider, Antonio Buonatesta, and Jorge Olléro Peran. Patrizia Patrizi and Brunilda Pali were re-elected as Board members! 


On 22 June 2022 the European Restorative Justice Award ceremony took place in Sassari, and we are excited to announce that the 6th laureate is Siri Kemény from Norway.


The EFRJ submitted its recommendations to the European Commission and calls for effective and equal access to restorative justice services that should be guaranteed for all victims of crime who freely want to access restorative justice.


The EFRJ calls the European Commission to address victims’ needs of empowerment and healing through personal agency by securing the availability of high-quality restorative justice for victims of violence against women and domestic violence. 


Restorative justice for judges and public prosecutors - Get the Manual for trainers and its annexes 


It was an honour to work with Keith. His gentle humour, his remarkable ability to find solutions to seemingly intractable problems, and his compassion, which he had in abundance, were a constant inspiration. His contribution to Sacro and to restorative justice was immense, and we were very fortunate to have him with us.

update on the organisation

The EFRJ will elect 5 new Board members in June 2022. This is the time to get engaged and contribute to the work of the EFRJ's leadership. Every full member (individual or staff of an organisational member) van apply. Candidatures are accepted until 11 May. 


The Italian press reported about the concluding national conference of the Re-Justice project that was attended and closed by Minister Marta Cartabia. 


The summit of the Ministers of Justice of the member states of the Council of Europe took place on 13 - 14 December 2021 in Venice, Italy. The first Conference of Ministers of the semester of the Italian Presidency was fully dedicated to restorative justice. 


Removing the obstacles for an effective implementation of the Victims’ Rights Directive is a first step towards a greater accessibility for victims to restorative justice services. The EFRJ’s position paper is based on its research and the feedback 45 experts and expert organisations from 18 countries. 


In 2021 the EFRJ highlights the potential of restorative justice for victims as the key theme of the Restorative Justice Week 2021 (#RJWeek). 


Participate in the important EU consultation process on the Victims' Rights Directive and share your expertise.