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Maia Chochua

Board Candidate 2024 // Georgia

Maia Chochua


As a Georgian lawyer with a master’s in public administration, I have twenty-six years of experience advancing the Rule of Law and driving legal reforms. Throughout these years, working on behalf of the European Union programs, I have contributed to initiatives aimed at policy formulation, legislative enhancements, and institutional capacity-building in the judiciary, bar, prosecution, police, probation, penitentiary, and social services. My passion for promoting international human rights standards has been steady. I firmly believe in fostering a joined-up approach between criminal justice and social work, recognising the interconnectedness of these fields to better serve the needs of society. 

My journey into restorative justice began fourteen years ago, amidst efforts to reform Georgia's juvenile justice system. This transformative experience greatly shaped my professional journey showing the way forward in the justice system and defining my commitment to promote restorative justice as the key to building more human justice system and safer and fairer communities.

In Georgia, we have been able to pioneer initiatives aimed at shifting mindsets towards restorative. These efforts have generated tangible results, with over 7,000 children and young individuals diverting from traditional punitive criminal justice procedures since 2010, in most cases through victim-offender mediation. We've seen how restorative justice benefits everyone involved, and it's led to fewer repeated offences. I’ve contributed to drafting the Juvenile Justice Code of Georgia. Currently, I’m involved in drafting legislation on restorative justice that should ensure its widespread application, both for juveniles and adults. 

I have been privileged to promote restorative justice internationally. Together with EFRJ, we have facilitated international conferences that have fostered dialogue and knowledge exchange, with delegations from multiple countries willing to explore the transformative potential of restorative practices. Since 2020, I have been Member of the Board, of the Policy Network and Working Group on Restorative Schools in the European Forum for Restorative Justice. I've established strong cooperation with the Council of Europe, UNICEF, and other European institutions and strongly believe in the interconnectedness of our joint work to promote and amplify the impact of restorative justice.

Where would you like to see the EFRJ in 4 years?

In four years, I envision the EFRJ even more strengthened in advancing restorative justice principles across Europe and beyond. Building upon our joint efforts and the momentum gained in recent years, I foresee the EFRJ playing a key role in shaping policy agendas, influencing legislative reforms, and fostering the widespread application of restorative justice. I hope to see the EFRJ further expand its network and reach, engaging with an even more diverse range of stakeholders, including international institutes, individual states, policymakers, legal professionals, academics, and community leaders. By strengthening partnerships in our advocacy efforts we can drive meaningful changes at both national and international levels. I envision EFRJ growing, making a big impact, and staying relevant. With our dedication, I believe we can integrate restorative justice into the core of justice systems, influencing policies and regulations at both national and international levels.

What would be your contribution in the Board to achieve this?

My professional journey is defined by a deep commitment to justice, empathy, and a firm belief in the transformative power of restorative practices. It has been an honour to contribute to this journey thus far, and I am confident in my ability to continue advocating for the widespread application of restorative justice and practices. In my capacity, I offer EFRJ skills, knowledge, and experience gained through successful policy advocacy initiatives that have driven institutional reforms. With well-established networks among international justice stakeholders and a keen understanding of cooperation dynamics with various European countries, I can offer insights and resources. I am eager to collaborate with my esteemed colleagues at EFRJ, leveraging our collective expertise to make meaningful contributions to the organisation's mission. I would aim to create more platforms for collaborations, provide individual, tailor-made policy advice for individual states, create hubs of restorative justice at the national levels, increase access to restorative justice-related research and evidence in multiple languages, facilitate regional and international cooperation, diversify and attract more funding opportunities, increase membership, ensure synergies between policy, legislation and capacity building initiatives. My commitment to promoting restorative justice is firm, and I am wholeheartedly dedicated to investing my time and efforts towards this cause.


Brunilda Pali, Belgium

I am extremely happy to endorse the proposal of Maia Cochua, as a continuing Member of the Board of the European Forum for Restorative Justice. As the absolute driving force behind Georgia’s (but also regional) criminal (youth) justice reforms and the development of restorative justice, Maia has brought to the board important skills of policy and diplomacy and a great vision and passion for the further development of restorative justice and of the EFRJ, to which she is highly committed. Maia maintains an excellent relationship with the broad EFRJ membership, has organised high quality international events and represented the EFRJ at high level policy events. Maia actively supports the work of our Policy Network and established contacts between the EFRJ and important stakeholders such as members of the European Parliament, Council of Europe, and UNICEF. Maia promotes the work of the EFRJ in Georgia and in the whole region, attracts new members and takes an active role in shaping the future strategy of the EFRJ.

Maia’s passion and commitment to the organisation and to the field, her policy experience in broader criminal justice matters, and her unique regional background are excellent reasons for her to continue the work at the EFRJ board, where she has a lot more to give. I strongly advise the members of the EFRJ to support again Maia’s membership to the Board, as this would be an extremely valuable contribution and asset for all of us. When l had proposed her a few years ago to become member of the Board l had written “Maia makes things happen. Just give her the chance.” Now l can only say “I had told you”.


Christa Pelikan, Austria

As a member of the EFRJ I would strongly urge the General Meeting to elect Maia Chochua for another term as a member of the Board of the EFRJ. This would enable Maia to continue her most valuable work for the international community working for the promotion of restorative justice. Maia’s capacities as an administrator but moreover as an instigator of legal change and reform in Georgia and the whole Caucasian region have come to the surface even more pronounced and stronger during the last few years. From what I have seen and heard – it is the unique combination of steady hard work, of a kind of mundane ‘diplomacy’, of the warmth and friendliness she spreads within her team of co-workers and associates in various fields that makes her the driving force of promoting programmes of restorative justice throughout the region. With her the spirit of restorative justice becomes alive and inescapably convincing. These very capacities have made her also an important member of the Board during the last period. We should make it possible for her to continue that way.