Call for topics’ proposals (for Working Groups only)

The webform must be submitted by at least two proposers (i.e. two EFRJ members from different countries). Write below the personal details and biography of one of the two proposers.
Country and city
Type of membership
The webform must be submitted by at least two proposers (i.e. two EFRJ members from different countries). Write below the personal details and biography of one of the two proposers.
Country and city
Type of membership
You can write here the keywords of the area(s) you would like to work on with other EFRJ members.
What areas of application for restorative justice would you like to explore with other EFRJ members? Why is this topic important/ relevant for advancing the field? why would you like to engage with other EFRJ members on this topic?
What objectives would you like to achieve in two years? What activities and/or outputs do you envision for this group? How do you plan to manage/ coordinate the group? What would you suggest as a sustainability plan after the two-year mandate? What support would you expect from the EFRJ Secretariat/ Board?
How is this topic building on previous EFRJ initiatives, and how is it innovative? Do you know other EFRJ members experts on this topic that you would like to invite to join you in this group?
One file only.
50 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.