Call for proposals - Pamplona 2023

Please share the contact details of the main presenter and/or coordinator of this proposal.
Personal contact details
Please share your contact details. In case your proposal is done with other co-authors, please include their names and emails below.
In case your proposal is the result of a group's work, please share the contact details of your colleagues. Note that all presenters must be register to the seminar.
Contact details of the co-author (1)
Please share the contact details of your co-presenter.
Contact details of the co-author (2)
Please share the contact details of your co-presenter.
Contact details of the co-author (3)
Please share the contact details of your co-presenter.
Contact details of the co-author (4)
Please share the contact details of your co-presenter.
(max 10 words)
Type of contribution
Time needed for your contribution
Submissions can be done in Spanish, if the workshop will be held in Spanish.
(max 400 words)
(max 50 words per presenter)