Barcelona // header image for the CJPE Summer Course 2024 on Resilience

CJPE Summer Course 2024: Towards Resilience in Criminal Justice

Organisation - Staff - Client

The members of the Criminal Justice Platform Europe (CJPE) are excited to invite you to Barcelona for the 6th edition of the International Criminal Justice Summer Course.

Following the positive experiences of the last CJPE Summer Course, the 2024 edition continues to address a subject closely related to mental health, focusing on resilience in criminal justice settings. The course will explore resilience on multiple levels, and offer concepts to understand its significance, and practices that contribute to enhance resilience capacities.

The three workshops will examine the subject from three different angles. First, what contributes to organisational resilience; second, to the resilience of the staff; and finally to the client’s resilience. Each of these will look at key challenges, and offer ways to build capacities on the different levels.

This year’s edition is organised in different format compared to the Summer Courses of the previous years. Each of three workshops will be a half day long, and participants will have the chance to attend each workshop in rotating groups.

The ‘Summer Course’ consists of plenary sessions, three parallel workshops, and study visits. The aim is to examine key practice issues, inspire new thinking, promote cross-fertilisation and build new networks to improve services and practice in prisons, probation and restorative justice. The variety of the group, coming from different European realities, will provide further opportunities to learn and engage in criminal justice issues.




C/ de Pau Claris
08009 Barcelona


Registration opens on 19 March and will be available through the website of our CJPE partner, EuroPris. 

This event is organised in collaboration with CEP, Europris and CEJFE



a) Staff Resilience - Building Staff Resilience: Understanding, Practicing, and Thriving (trainer Iva Prskalo) 

b) Client Resilience (trainer: David Ivarsson) 

c) Organisational Resilience (trainer: Jo Clarke) 


Plenary talks

  • Rethinking resilience: understanding state-dependent functioning and offending behaviour - by Jane Mulcahy
  • Client resilience and peer support  - by Johan Lothe
  • Trauma informed work in prison and probation - by Dr Madeline Petrillo

The Summer Course will be moderated by John Stafford. 

For the details of the programme (including abstracts, contributors' biographie, schedule, study visits, and practicalities) check the Programme Booklet.


CJPE Summer Course 2024 - Information Booklet

Towards Resilience in Criminal Justice
2-5 July 2024, Barcelona

Participation Fee

Early bird: 395€  (until 15 April 2024)

Full price: 450€

Cancellation Policy

  • Cancellations made before the 15th of April, will be reimbursed 90% of the fee
  • Cancellations made before the 1st of June will be reimbursed the 50% of the fee.
  • Cancellations made after the 1st of June will not be reimbursed.


If you are interested in joining the Summer Course and you come from a country that is NOT a Council of Europe member state, please contact the organisers first ( You will be requested to write a motivation letter prior to your registration, and you may only register after approval.